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December Art Loop Small Art Show Second Opening

  • Buzz Ware Village Center 2119 The Highway (map)

Though there will not be a Coffee House in December—our show’s usual second viewing (and buying) opportunity— the BWVC has agreed to a second “opening” on Friday, December 20th from 6-8 PM—perfect for last minute shopping. Please join us for Open Gallery and Hot Chocolate. In addition, the evening will feature a singing bowl session from 7:30-8:00 PM to raise the vibration and cheer the soul for the holiday season. (Hint—bring a yoga mat, blanket, bolster or pillow for body comfort as well.)

Artists who sell pieces on Art Loop night will be invited to replace their art and hang another piece for the second opening.

*We will need AAC reps to be gallery minders. One for each of the four hours at the Friday art loop event, and two more for the second opening. Think about what hour you’d like to take and volunteer before I recruit you!

November 14

Art & Fear Book Discussion

December 3

December Art Loop – Art Drop Off