AAC Steering Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 4, 2025 7 PM at Lindas House, 8 W Greenbriar Rd

Meeting start 7:17 PM Attending: Jeanne Orr (treasurer) plus current steering committee: Shay Seaborne, Linda Toman, Megan King, Betty O’Regan, Jill Althouse-Wood, Cookie


  1. Financial Report—Current balance $1723.02, no pressing expenses

  2. Yearly Audit of finances—Cookie Ohlson and David

  3. Budget—Cookie Ohlson and Jeanne Orr presented using categories of expenditures from last calendar year 2024. Jill felt it was a little bit misleading because it showed that the retreat was an expense when in actuality we made money on it because any people paid for in in late 2023. [In a conversation with Cookie the next day, Jill suggested that change our fiscal year to Sept 1-Aug 31 to reflect the cycles of our programming. Point to be discussed at future meeting. In that same conversation, Cookie agreed to remain on the steering committee and be the liaison for the public art project.] MEGAN agreed to work out a financial spreadsheet to use that breaks out our categories of spending. Jill asked the the category of “retreat” be changed to “programming.” The budget is fluid. We are going to be trying out the categories and refining as needed.

  4. Membership list and dues: How many members do we have. We discussed the need for a database of members. And membership dues. It seems that a small membership fee is something most people would not object to. SHAY will compile the surveys and give us exact totals. We talked having levels of membership. Perhaps one level would include a listing. $30/$20. Or have $25 member that includes listing if they want it. [In phone call with Cookie, Jill raised point that we would have to decide on a way to collect dues that would be easy and wouldn’t require someone to hound past-due members. THINK ON THIS.]


  1. Small Art Show: Good turnout to both receptions, but little buying (2 items and 1 trade). Mostly Arden folks. Majority of buyers were from out of town. Talk about changing venue next year if we do it again. We need to be somewhere where new people are laying eyes on our work. ALL MEMBERS-Brainstorm places to have Small Art Show outside the Ardens.

  2. Member Meeting: We were pleased with the turnout and responses at the Member meeting in January. Breakout groups were helpful but we needed to separate out the Steering committee. They were all in the same breakout group. Issue of Zoom member meeting was brought up which we plan to do quarterly.

  3. Coaching the Artist Within Book Club: We had 8 or 9 people including people who were writers and musicians. And one who lived outside the Ardens. We covered a good range of artist issues and solutions. The conversations were great thing and bolstered the supportive feeling for artists living in community. A success


  1. Delaware Theatre Company Exhibit—This is full steam ahead with Sadie Sommerville at helm. Megan brought promo postcards. We have to work on our formatting. Sadie came up with a checklist for the event to help with future event champions. MEGAN, JEANNE, JILL want to meet with Sadie to revise our online Guide for Curators.

  2. Artisan Social—We settled on date to ask the Buzz. SHAY will reach out them immediately to get the ball rolling. April 22. 7-9 PM Betty will reach out and ask Walt Borders

  3. Zoom Member-at-large Meeting. We scheduled it for  March 27th 7-9 PM. MEGAN will create a link to put in March newsletter. We will plan the agenda at our next AAC Steering Committee Meeting.

  4. Baby Grand Exhibit—Put out a call for a co-curator—by March 15th. The theme for the exhibit will be 125 years of Art in Arden and we will mix new art with old and stories behind the art. Jill will create a photo book of the exhibit which will be available for sale, as well as give a copy to the Craft Shop Museum. We will be seeking pieces that people in the Ardens have in their collections as well as new art by our artists. And we will try to plan it well enough in advance so we can get good marketing, possibly magazine stories.

4. Other Future Programming for 2025 and Beyond

  1. Workshops—writing, Jill will reach out to Gordon

  2. 3D Sculpture exhibit. We would like to have an exhibit piggy back on the Baby Grand exhibit but for 3D artists and Sculptors. The committee should brainstorm places to have this exhibit. Possibly November. e.g. Chris White, Blue Ball Barn BETTY will reach out to Danny Schweers to ask about the application Jill put in.

  3. Spring Marketplace—No updates from Rachel Kantner and Micah Altman

  4. Field Trips—possibly Biggs, to see 2025 Grant winners (Waiting to see if it will happen)

  5. (Book) Discussion Groups. None in the works, but we are open to suggestions

  6. Arden Fair Booth—Current system is not serving us. Ideas moving forward—more visible signs for Arden Artists to place in booth and raise awareness? Better booth placement? Work with Green Room?

5. Defining Committee Member Roles Jill put out a plea to get things more streamlined and have more distinct roles since a lot of the details fall to her and her ADHD and her disorganized email inbox isn’t having it. She is working on a document to define the roles of liaison. She sent this to the committee members who need to look over it, make notes and give feedback, and get it back to her within the week (Feb 11).

6. MARKETING/WEBSITE—We are working on the logo, simplifying it. Not there yet, but close. Also Will has done some work on the templates for the postcards and email blasts. a workin in progress.

7. PUBLIC ART UPDATE—Cookie gave some updates. We have new grant opportunities for crosswalks and electrical boxes that we are looking into. Bethany Rees is also working on this. Cookie will be the liaison for this project. There is an upcoming meeting about it that they both will attend.



Betty brought up a possible collaboration with TOMARO’S C.H.A.N.G.E. in Claymont. BETTY will arrange a group meeting to see the space before group ZOOM meeting.

BETTY wants to approach the Buzz Ware Village Center about free meeting space for our group.

Meeting adjourned 9:10 PM. Next Meeting is Tuesday, March 11, 4PM at Jill’s house: 2110 Hillside Road. On the agenda: group ZOOM meeting agenda among other things.