Another great Artisan Social. Forty people showed at our event. Five artists presented. We had a trade table (Bring your unused art supplies and books to trade) which was a big hit. Snacks galore! The presentations were fantastic. The talent here in the Ardens knows no bounds. Afterwards, the networking was just as important. Artists were collaborating. A teacher snagged a guest artist to come speak to her students. 
 Many thanks to presenting artists Ellen Dolmetsch, Leo Lupidi, Maureen Collins, Mike Tanis, and Brian Killian. Next one will most likely be Sept/October. Looking for someone to head this effort. Duties include: Getting artists to present, putting details in page and on social media, coordinating with Buzz for the room, Creating powerpoint (Jill can help). This is important work as we build our community.

Pick an event. Choose to lead. Or be a support. The AAC needs its CHAMPIONS:

1. ARDEN FAIR BOOTH: Do we want one? What form will it take? We don't want to ask for donations for another raffle.(Artisans are asked to give away enough stuff). But we could have artisan work for sale. Who wants to start the conversation? Invite others to a meeting to brainstorm. You don't need to have Fair availability to start the conversation. 
2. FALL ARTISAN SOCIAL: See above. Who wants to lead this endeavor?
3. SMALL ART SHOW: Last December's event was a success. We have the template. Can we do it again this December? Looking for someone to coordinate this with Bernadette and the Buzz. You will have the outline from last year and support from last year's players.
4. AFTERNOON WITH THE ARTIST: A big thanks to AAC artist Janet Williams who helped us relaunch this program, reimagined as a joint effort between AAC and The Artist Craft Shop Museum. Afternoon with the Artist are Sunday afternoon salons that take place in the Bernie Schwab Community Room of the Arden Craft Shop Museum during its open hours of 1-3 PM. The purpose of the salons is to showcase the ongoing, living practices of artists within the Ardens and in the context and backdrop of the historical tradition of Arts and Crafts in which the community is rooted. We are proposing four more such afternoons in the coming year. Artisan applications are being accepted for joint effort between AAC and Arden Craft Shop Museum. Bev Bizup has stepped up to be the AAC liaison with the ACSM. Thank you, Bev! Applications are due by May 26th. 
5. PHOTOGRAPHING YOUR ARTWORK: We are in talks with Joe del Tufo to have a free Sunday afternoon program in which Joe will demonstrate how to photograph your artwork. Joe is an in-demand event photographer, so we are having to work around his busy schedule. Stay tuned.
6. ALL DAY AAC RETREAT: We are hoping to have an all-day event on a Saturday in January or February. It will be broken up into an AAC meeting in which we will brainstorm 2024 events and elect officers for the coming year. Other possible activities may include: opening meditation and journaling, a station to photograph artwork, artisan headshots and/or selfie station, silent auction, guest speaker from local arts organizations, social media workshops. Dance party?  That last one was a joke to see if you are paying attention, but who knows? We are still at the brainstorming point. Jill Althouse-Wood (me!) and Betty O'Regan are taking point on this, but we would love to have a committee to help with this large undertaking. Can you help get this off the ground?
7. 2024 GROUP AAC EXHIBITIONS:  In March/April AAC will have an environmentally themed show for Earth Day at the Delaware Center for Horticulture. This is a curated show that will either be by invitation or application. I am curating and am still working out details. We will need to have some images to the DCH for their marketing team by November, so don't delay if you are thinking of finishing a piece that would fit in this theme. The folks at The Grand approached Jill and asked for an AAC show (word is getting out about us!) We have a contract with them to put on a show in July/August of 2024. Because I am leading the DCH, I would love someone else to take point on this. I will gladly help. It would be great to have another guest curator who may have a different vision of how to showcase all the talent we have here. Volunteers to head this?

--Jill Althouse-Wood 

PLEASE EMAIL ME at  and let me know how you would like to contribute. The more skin we have in the game, the more powerful and long-lasting this group will be.  

From AAC Member Jen Borders. "I have had a studio at the Delaware Contemporary for several years and have found a beautiful place to create and a deep community to be a part of there. They are accepting applications for a few art studios opening this summer. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until filled. Preference given to applications received by mid-May. MORE INFORMATION / APPLICATION