Megan Murphy King
Falling Leaf Totem, clay and metal rod, 12 x 65 x 12”
My home and art studio are in Arden. You can find me face painting at the Arden Fair and painting costumes and sets for Ardensingers’ performances.
Pottery and painting have been my main media, and I occasionally explore other art forms such as bronze, jewelry, and stained glass. I love painting plein air landscapes, painting portraits and making portrait reliefs in clay of people and animals.
My work in clay ranges from sculpture to whimsical pieces for the home and garden, such as totem poles, birdbaths, birdhouses, and fountains. People tell me my art has movement, which is amusing since I facilitate dance workshops and performances. Dancers and figures often show up in my work. I combine art, music, and movement to create unique experiential workshops for people.
I want to be inspired by Art and to inspire others. I often create art that is about transformation in form, concept, or emotional state. Ideally my art works on multiple levels: aesthetically, conceptually, technically, and sometimes practically. My artwork has been shown nationally and internationally in juried shows.
Lucky Journey, pastel, 15 x 17”
Dance Energy, porcelain and light, 7 x 9 x 7"
Cat’s Eye, watercolor, 16 x 12”