DECEMBER 2024 AAC Newsletter
In this Newsletter:
—December Art Loop “Small Art” Show *New Details!
—Pay Your Online Listing Dues
—AAC Annual Member-At-Large meeting
—Discussion Group: Coaching the Artist Within
—Life Lesson Group Invitational Show
—Update on the A&C Gild.
Small Art Show Reminder!
Artists, it’s time to prep your pieces for the December Art Loop Small Art Show! Drop off your artwork on Tuesday, December 3, from 4–6 PM at the Buzz Ware Village Center. We will be hanging the show immediately after drop=off if you would like to stick round and help with that. The past two years have been a hit with both participation and sales—let’s keep building our reputation as the go-to spot for unique holiday gifts! Help us spread the word. Please use the graphics at the top of this newsletter on your social media.
🎨 Artwork Details:
Find specifications and the application under the Members section of our website.
🎉 Mark Your Calendar:
The 3rd Annual Small Art Show and Winter Market kicks off during December’s Art Loop on Friday, December 6, from 5–9 PM at the Buzz Ware Village Center.
Though there will not be a Coffee House in December—our show’s usual second viewing (and buying) opportunity— the BWVC has agreed to a second “opening” on Friday, December 20th from 6-8 PM—perfect for last minute shopping. Please join us for Open Gallery and Hot Chocolate. In addition, the evening will feature a singing bowl session from 7:30-8:00 PM to raise the vibration and cheer the soul for the holiday season. (Hint—bring a yoga mat, blanket, bolster or pillow for body comfort as well.)
Artists who sell pieces on Art Loop night will be invited to replace their art and hang another piece for the second opening.
*We will need AAC reps to be gallery minders. One for each of the four hours at the Friday art loop event, and two more for the second opening. Think about what hour you’d like to take and volunteer before I recruit you!
📦 Artwork Pick-Up:
Unsold work can be picked up on Sunday, December 22, from 2–4 PM. If you can’t make it, please arrange for someone to collect your pieces. This is a change from what was on an early version of the application. We’ve added a week to the show to accommodate the second viewing (and buying) chance listed above.
If you haven’t already paid for your listing in the online directory for the 2024-2025 calendar year (Nov 1- Oct 31) or if you would like to create a new listing, please bring $20 cash or a check made out to Jeanne Orr to the artwork drop-off or either of our two receptions for the Small Art Show. Jeanne is also usually available to accept checks at Open Studio at the Buzz on Monday nights after 7 PM. Any artisan listings left unpaid by December 21, will be removed. Details for creating a new listing are at the bottom of this newsletter.
Arden Artisan Collective Annual Meeting: Your Voice Matters
The Arden Artisan Collective invites all visual artists and makers—whether you’re a student, hobbyist, or professional—to join our annual Members-at-Large Meeting. Together, we’ll brainstorm and shape a plan of action to guide us through 2025 and beyond.
This is your opportunity to share your ideas, advocate for your needs, and help steer our creative community toward achieving its collective dreams. Your input is invaluable as we work to make a lasting cultural impact in Arden and beyond.
The steering committee is preparing the agenda, and we’ll share more details in the January newsletter. In the meantime, mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7-9 PM at the Buzz Ware Village Center. Let’s come together to inspire, collaborate, and create a vibrant future.
Arden Artisans Collective Presents: Life Lessons
Discover the beauty of connection through Life Lessons, an invitational art exhibit inspired by the Delaware Theatre Company's production of Tuesdays with Morrie. Sadie Somerville and Alida Fish are curating this show featuring works by four of our talented collective artists. This exhibition explores themes of mentorship, growth, and the human spirit. Mark your calendars to be there in support of our artists and this exciting collaboration with local theater.
📅 Exhibit Dates: February 19 – March 9, 2025
🎨 Artists' Reception: March 7, 2025, from 5:30–7:30 PM
📍 Location: Delaware Theatre Company, 200 Water St, Wilmington, DE
Update on Arts & Crafts Gild:
Megan King (proposed A&C Gild Chair) and Jeanne Orr (proposed A&C Gild Treasurer) presented our proposal to the Arden Club Board, presided over by new chair Jeffrey Politis at their November meeting. The response from the board was favorable, but as per their guidelines, they need to wait until the next board meeting to vote on the proposed new gild. That meeting will take place in January. Once the gild is established (fingers crossed), emails concerning activities will go out from that leadership, and we will no longer be covering the progress in the AAC newsletter. We will have some crossover in leadership so that we can coordinate programming. We will consider which programs would better serve which groups and make sure we are not overlapping. We will use our email list to start-up the email list for the gild. If you do not want to be on the email list for the Arts & Crafts Gild, let me (Jill) know (in person or text—number in directory— because, ironically, I have a full and chaotic email inbox and things get lost.
Lastly, if you have gotten to the end of this newsletter on the day I sent it out, Cheers to you. GO out to the Holiday Art Market at the Buzz on Sunday, December 1. 10-4 PM While it isn’t an AAC event, it does support many of the artists who are in our collective.
Jill Althouse-Wood
AAC Steering Committee
“Strictly speaking, there are no holidays for art; art pursues you everywhere, and that's just fine with the artist.”
― Elfriede Jelinek, The Piano Teacher