In this issue:

  • Reception for Earth Day Art Show

  • Spring Artisan Social

  • Call For More Art For Baby Grand Art Show

  • Help Us Help You Market Your Events

  • New AAC Evergreen Postcards Available

  • Youth Artists Coordinator Wanted

  • Update on joining the Arden Club

  • June Artisan Studio Tour

  • Public Art

  • Arden Fair Booth

  • Member Happenings

  • Have you noticed...


The Earth Day Art Show is here!

We're thrilled to announce the stunning exhibit is now on display at the Delaware Center for Horticulture (DCH) – and the DCH staff is already raving about it!  Featuring over 50 pieces by 22 talented Arden Artisans, this show is a true labor of love. Many thanks to Betty O'Regan, Sadie Somerville, and David Burslem for hanging the show with me. Their expertise was invaluable.

Join the Opening Reception!

Mark your calendars for the opening reception on Friday, April 5th from 5:30-8 PM (part of the Art Loop).

Plan to attend whether or not you have work in the show. Your presence is a huge boost to the exhibit's success, both in terms of sales and visibility for our organization.

A Few Notes:

  • The DCH is providing snacks, but we could use some help! If you'd like to contribute, please bring ready-to-serve finger foods on platters you don't need back (unless you plan to stay until 8 PM). We appreciate your eco-conscious approach to serving ware – let's avoid single-use plastics if possible.

  • Wear your NEW artist name tag (provided at the event) during the reception. Please return it afterwards for future use.

  • Spread the word! Invite your friends and family on social media this week. Let's show the wider community what the Arden Artisans are all about!

Spring Artisan Social 

Mark your calendars
TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 7-9 PM for our Spring Arden Artisan Social. We will start with presentations by local artisans including artist, illustrator, graphic designer Will Ramirez. Also Shay Seaborne CPTSD will be presenting: "How We Treat Each Other Changes Who We Are; the Neurobiology of Connection and Community," a virtual Lapbook Gallery presentation. Afterwards enjoy light refreshments (CAKE!) and social time with fellow art enthusiasts and artists. Optional: bring a treat to share for the table. As always we will have our trading table. Artists, bring your artwork, books, materials, and tools to share or trade! This event is open to the public: All are welcome, whether you're an artisan or simply appreciate the arts. Bring a small donation for the Buzz Ware Village Center. We look forward to seeing you there! Shay Seaborne is leading the charge on this. (Thank you, Shay for taking this on!) Contact her at shaysails@gmail.com with any questions or a desire to help/participate.

Second Call for Art for Baby Grand Art Show

First round of applications for AAC Baby Grant Art Show (runs July and August) were collected and assessed. Acceptance emails have gone out.  If you have not heard back about your submission, let us know at

FOR SECOND ROUND: Read Carefully. This is different from the way we did it for the Earth Day Art Show

Megan King is the curator of this exhibit. She clarified some details after a question was brought forward.
1) Decision on first entries is final so entries not accepted aren’t under consideration for second round. 

2) There will be a second round of submissions for this show due by Wednesday, May 1. You are welcome to submit additional work; however, some preference will be given to artists submitting for the first time.

Art submitted
must be available. You cannot sell it between the time you apply and the time we hang the exhibit. We are using the submissions to market for the exhibit and plan the use of the space and the overall look and flow of the exhibit. We can't be making substitutions mid-way through our preparations.

If you have questions before the deadline, please
email both Megan and Jill.

For details on the show and the applications, click here

HELP US HELP YOU Market your Upcoming Events and Share News

The AAC puts a call out every month for members to submit their events (solos shows, group exhibits, publications, presentations, home show, craft markets, etc). We also want to post about your grant awards and any big professional development like residencies. We want to promote our members. It shows how the AAC is making its mark in the greater community. But
we need your help. Our marketing team is all-volunteer. So we need your event notices to be as copy-ready as possible. We want to be able to cut and paste them into our calendar and onto our social media. The information should be concise. Include one photo to use to promote. I've included an example below of copy-ready event notice. (You can add a bit more description than is provided here, but the more direct the notice, the easier it is for readers.) Also, it is a good idea to provide a link to provide people with more detail. 

Keep in mind that we are asking for you to submit your notices to both
Will Ramirez (our new events guy) and me by the 15th of the month prior to the month the event is happening. For instance, if you have a May event, please submit by April 15th. This allows Will a little wiggle room to get the events posted. Sometimes, last minute opportunities occur. In those cases, we will try to post your event if at all possible, but keep in mind that we, too, are busy artists. For reference, you can find this information at the bottom of every newsletter. If you can't find your newsletter in your inbox, you can always find it on the AAC website under the members section.

Example of print-ready copy:

Arden's Janet Williams blooms at "Art of the Flower" exhibit!

Arden Artisan Janet Williams showcases her work in the "Art of the Flower" exhibit at the Philadelphia Sketch Club (235 South Camac St., Philadelphia, PA 19107) until March 24th. Closing reception this Sunday, 1-3 PM. See it in person or learn more:
https://sketchclub.org/ #ArdenArtisan #ArtOfTheFlower #PHLArt

AAC Evergreen Postcards Available

Our evergreen postcard advertising the AAC is now available. (Evergreen content is continually relevant to readers over an extended period of time—often several years. It does not promote a singular event). These postcards, designed by David Gerbec, feature work by six Arden Artisans and include a description of the AAC along with a QR code to our site. We printed a whole lot of them. Member artisans can request them to have available at shows, events, markets, etc. I will have them available at the Spring Arden Artisan Social for anyone who wants to take a stack to have on hand. Or you can
email me to arrange to get some.

Youth Coordinator Wanted

Emily Ferrell and Bernadette Donohue put on a great Youth Art show in February. How the AAC can support this initiative going forward? I would love the AAC to figure ways to support our youth artists. In last month's newsletter I suggested offering 1-to-1 mentorships to the young artists,  provide a workshops about framing/show presentation or invite them to participate in a program about writing artist statements? This month I am taking things a bit further and seeking someone to coordinate this effort. This doesn't mean you have to do it all--just that you have organize the team and take the conversation to the next level. If you are interested, let me or someone from the steering committee know.

Joining the Arden Club. Where are we?

This month, I had a video call with Kathleen Dinsmore, Organization Support, Delaware Division of the Arts. I talked to her about ways we could take our organization to the next level. We had a frank discussion about what we could do if we joined the Arden Club versus other options such as becoming a 501c3.  She gave me a lot to think about. I think the next step should be another meeting with the AAC membership at large to share this information discuss. I would love to have as much input as possible. I am trying to set up a place to meet in early May. As soon as I get a date and time, I will send out an email to let you know.

*In the meantime, we are asking AAC members to keep their Arden Club membership up-to-date as all those who sign the petition to create a gild must be a member in good standing for at least a year.

Calling All Arden Artists! Participate in the 2024 Studio Tour

The Arden Artisans Collective is excited to announce this year's Ardens Artists Studio Tour! This is your chance to showcase your work to a wider audience and connect with art enthusiasts in the community.

How to Participate:

Express your interest by emailing
StudioTour2024@gmail.com along with Ardenartisans@gmail.com. In your email, please include your name and the location you'd like listed on the Tour Map. This location could be your studio address, a participating venue, or even an outdoor setup (weather permitting).

Planned PR includes: 1) Art Loop promotions as well as Delaware Scene magazine   2) You will receive a Tour Map and Invite Poster for your social media and other promotional materials. We encourage you to share the tour details with your audience. 3) Email blast  4)Delaware Online  (If we can make the deadline).                              

Distribute Maps to Visitors: You will also receive printed Tour Maps to distribute to visitors during the event.
Open to All Artists: We want to include everyone who wants to share their creations! Even if you don't have a dedicated studio space, we will help you find a spot at another venue or set up outdoors (on one of the Greens).

Proposed Tour Dates: The tour is tentatively scheduled for
Saturday, June 8th from 10 AM-4 PM, with Sunday, June 9th as a rain date. These dates will be confirmed by May based on weather and artist interest. Point person is David Burslem. Thank you, David.

Public Art Project

The project is continuing, but no news at this time. Bethany Rees is leading this charge. 

AAC Arden Fair Booth

Building on the success (and learning from our challenges), we are hoping to have another AAC Booth at this year's Arden Fair. This is a great opportunity for artists who don't have enough merchandise to have a booth of their own. Last year we had 7-8 artisans represented at the booth. We feel that that amount was a stretch of the space. This year we would like to represent 5 artisans per booth space. This means if we get 10 interested artisans, we will rent two spaces. This also means we have to have all our ducks (artisans) in a row ahead of the June 1 application deadline. If you are interested in being one of our booth artisans or have any questions about the booth please reach out by
email to Rachel Kantner (our booth manager). 

Member Happenings:

Micah Altman, Arden Lamp Works
is having an Open House and Sale. Unique handmade Lamps and shades. Perfect for Mother's Day! Sunday, April 7 11AM - 3PM. 2317 Loreley Lane, Ardentown. Ardenlampworks@gmail.com

Janet Williams will be participating in "Paint the Town" in Chestertown, Maryland, April 25-28th. After painting for 3 days there is a wet paint sale of finished work (Public invited!) at Chestertown Riverarts on Saturday. The event wraps up on Sunday, April 28th, when artists vie for the top prizes in a three-hour Quick Draw competition. https://www.chestertownriverarts.com/events#riverarts #ArdenArtisan 


...how many AAC members are involved in all of our different initiatives? Our membership has ramped up participation in the last few months. The more people who participate, the stronger and longer the organization will be. You are really showing the community how important the AAC is to the lifeblood of the Ardens...and beyond.  A big THANK YOU! to all who have already been involved.
Want to step up? We have opportunities for everyone to volunteer at what ever level you feel comfortable. At the AAC retreat, we filled out forms with this interest. Shay Seaborne has compiled the information into a volunteer spreadsheet. We would love to add your name. Let us know how you can help. Here are some ideas: Design posters, hang posters around town, supply snacks, help hang a show, be a 1-on-1 youth mentor, photograph events, social media, booth monitor, public art, apply for grants.
Email us to let us know how you can help.


Jill Althouse-Wood on behalf of AAC Steering Committee

2024 AAC Steering Committee: Jill Althouse-Wood, Shay Seaborne, Megan King, Stevie Nolan, Cookie Ohlson, Rachel Kantner, Linda Toman 
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes can be found in the members section of the AAC Website

Treasurer: Jeanne Orr

“…and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”– Vincent van Gogh

REMINDER: If you have news of exhibits, craft shows, workshops (that you are giving), home shows,  etc that are happening May or later, get the information to Will by April 15th so he can post on website, on social media. Additionally, you can send news of publications, awards to post on social media. Your triumphs are the group's triumphs. Please provide all  information to me in print-ready copy and provide an image, if applicable. Send info to ardenartisans@gmail.com and will@willramirez.us

Listings in our Arden Artisan directory are $20 per year.  Our website year runs November 1-October 31. (Prorated, it will be $10 after May 1st). Make check payable to Jeanne Orr. Or give her cash. Jeanne can be found most weeks at the open artist studio at the Buzz on Monday nights starting at 7 PM. After you pay, you send a photograph to represent your work, as well as your name, primary medium, and website or social media link to AACupdates@gmail.com. If you don't have a website or social media presence and require a landing page directly on the AAC website, you can have one created for a one time fee of $50 (also payable to Jeanne Orr). $30 of fee will go to the website creator and $20 to the AAC. In this case, you need to send 5 images and a 500-word (approx) bio/artist statement to AACupdates@gmail.com.

Find Out More About The Arden Artisans Collective

The Arden Artisans Collective nurtures artists/artisans at all levels (professional/hobby/student) through educational activities and events; uses the arts to enhance community-building within the Ardens; and magnifies the visibility of Arden artisans outside of the Ardens community. 

Copyright © *2024 Arden Artisans Collection*, All rights reserved.

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